Blood clot, blood clot. I am 58 and living in North Carolina grew up in New England, I been telling my friends down here about chum gum the best where can i buy this gum so I can show them and go back you a great gum. However, being his 'baby', he bought it for me that first time I saw it. No Luck, UMMM I LOVED CHUM GUM I WISH THEY WOULD BRING IT BACK, HEY DO ANY OF YOU REMEMBER "BIG MOUTH" THEY USED TO COME IN A SQUARE FLAVORS WERE GRAPE APPLE AND REGULAR?IF ANYONE KNOWS WHERE TO BUY ANY OF THESE LET ME KNOW:), DO YOU KNOW WHEN FLEER STARTED MAKING CHUM GUM IT WAS 1ST MADE BUY CURTIS CANDY CHICAGO A. Ahhhhh, Chum Gum, I loved that stuff and can still taste it in my mind. 11 Old Candies You Can't Buy Anymore | The Saturday Evening Post I can't believe I found this site. And the fact chewing gum in class then became a detention, because of the amount of gum showing up everywhere. I wish I could find it somewhere! Hi, I am in Florence SC, and would Ike to find some of these new Unicorn Candy Corn in fruit flavors. It had a unique and delicious taste. I was just thinking about Chum Gum. Fleer needs to start making it again. In the 50's and into the 60's Chum Gum did come 3 pieces for a penny. For its part, Fleer did little to promote Chum Gum over the twenty or so years it was sold, focusing more on its flagship product, Dubble Bubble. He focused all of his marketing and efforts to the new gum and it was impressive. When I was a young girl in the sixties and early seventies there was a hard candy (much like the jolly ranchers of today) called twists. Were the two flavors similar? Three sticks for 0.1 cent. It is owned by Mondelz International. Is this a temporary thing?. I have been telling my kids about Chum Gum and how I wish I could find it for them to experience. I loved chum him it was really best gum in my childhood every time is go to cracker barrel and see them about the chum gum but they seem to be clueless I wish we all can find the candy company to see for they can find the original ingredient to ale ch gum and put it back on the market nothing taste the same anymore not even kits and maryjane, I was in a small south eastern colo. town in 1978 and saw that dark blue wrapper. For .12 cents, I could buy a comic book, a fountain cherry or vanilla coke and a pack (2 sticks ) of chum gum. Wish it was still made. My mouth is watering just thinking of those. Description Yes, CHUM GUM two sticks wrapped individually in a royal blue wrapper. French Chew is very similar. I loved it as a kid. Tears filled her eyes as she was just beside herself when we gave it to her. Bar none the greatest tasting gum ever. You're welcome, Dave, and thanks for reading! My husbands favorite candy was the blue mint coolers. I too have yearnd for Chum Gum. It brings back so many great memories. Although chewing gum is designed to be chewed and not swallowed, it generally isn't harmful if swallowed. The bubble gum was cheap with really great flavor that simply didnt last. So many candies of yesteryear have disappeared and it is doconcerting. I was lacking money as a child so I only got to enjoy these products a handful of times. I still miss that gum and would pay alot of money to have more. so much different than that plastic crap they call bubble gum now, With flavor that lasts for five minutes if you are lucky. The flavor was indescribable, my favorite gum. I'm 38yrs.old and only found it in Woolworth stores in the Chicago area.I can still taste that juicy soft flavor in my BUDS.Hope a manufactor can bring our good old CHUM GUM back!!!!!! I was looking for the Marathon Bar. I enjoyed Smith Brothers cough drops, licorice very much. I grew up in Memphis, TN. Wish they'd make it, along with Seven Up candy bars today. That one is still on the market today. Hi, I got married in 2005. My sister and I would get Milkshake candy bars at Hoyt Pool near Milwaukee, and sometimes we would get them frozen and wow, were they amazing. Now all we need is the ingredients. And the square cinnamon suckers? Time-warping back to October, 1971, found another newspaper ad mentioning Chum Gum, Dubble Bubble and Razzles as suggestions to give trick-or-treaters on Halloween. The memory will fade. And I swear as God is my witness that my first reaction was OMG, this stuff tastes just like CHUM GUM!!! Tastes a lot like it. Never been anything close to how good it was. Best gum ever! I don't think you can get it anymore. They were relish!!! Not only did this have the most fabulous flavor, but it had such a wonderfully smooth texture - not all gritty and sugary like regular bubblegum. Barney-Google Maps wouldnt co-operate for a finer search.). I have looked high and low but no luck of finding any. Hardly the case. They would love it. The reason I am writing you is because for the past 16 years Ive been eating Twizzlers or Red Vines and they are awful. How do we find the manufacturer and talk them into making it again. Comment. I have ordered them by the pound, so I could get enough to last him a year at a time. And Blow. Free returns. I am 53 and remember chum gum when I was in grade school. If you have reached this page, chances are, you searched for a candy that has been discontinued. Fleer should bring it back. Ive reminisced about Chum Gum since 1958. The colors were red, orange, yellow, green, and purple. The best gum ever for blowing bubbles. Here it came 3 pieces for a penny and whatever amount of money I had went for Chum Gum and Strawbery KitsI sooo wish we coul get someone to research and start making this gum once more. Google Feud - Answers - do they still make Hi, years ago, there was a candy by Brachs called chocolate nut goodies. Unfortunately, they stopped producing it in 1971 so it hasnt been available for a lot of years now. Please help I love them. theres an emty spot in me. They no longer make them. )..wont buy Brachs candy corn this Halloween. I grew up in the Boston area and we would buy this at the penny-candy store. Unfortunately, from what we could find, it seems like Chum Gum fell out of the spotlight because so much focus was turned to Dubble Bubble by the company. :Can't be his heart, then. Unfortunately, this didn't save Chum Gum from oblivion shortly after. In business from 1930 to 1971. IT. One day at the laundry mat I stuck my chum gum on her seat and watched her sat down in the huge wad of chum gum. Well. I grew up in Kansas city, Kansas and bought Chum Gum at Newits market in the penny candy section. Me and my sister would collect empty soda bottles becaus you got a penny a piece return on them. I hope they get so many comments of people wanting them around again and they make the decision to sell them again. Chum Gum was the best gum. Just the smell through the wrapper would make my mouth water. I will post the link here when he sends it. I put all of it in my mouth at once and chew it as I walked home. I recall the sugar coated blue gum! I got to get it every weekend at the skating rink in Cleveland they charged 2 sticks for a 5cents. the good ole days. Fairchance, Pa. Twas my favorite as well. They are no where near the quality of texture and taste that were the Brachs Red Twist. it also came 2 sticks in a pack for a penny, it was in a red outer paper wrapper with 2 red sticks of gum in plain white paper sleeves. For some reason, whenever I eat Double Bubble gum, I remember Chum Gum. Then head home. The inner wrappers white and the gum was pink. Miss them, Marathon Bars were a classic and are the MOST requested retro candy that we once offered. OMG! Loved it, but you have to admit the taste only lasted about a minute if you were lucky, but it was so good!! Finally! Bring nack our childhood memories. They would make lots of money. I fell in love with Chum Gum since 6th grade in '62.I agree with everyone's comments, but besides the great flavor, Chum Gum produced the best bubbles! From 1970, Fleer began selling Chum Devil Gum. For the longest time I could buy it at a shop in my hometown of Kenosha , WI. I loved this gum. I take it out sometimes and think back .In the 50s it was 3sticks for .01. I grew up in Danville, Californiasmall town, still relatively small, and the local 5 and dime store had it. Bazooka Bubble Gum is still being made! This was the best gum ever. I live in Iowa where I would buy it at the neighborhood grocery store. One of my grandaughters has taken on the nickname of chiclet. Please announce it to the world so we all can get some. Mighty Gum Immunity $16.00 Mighty Gum's chewing candy contains a ton of natural, germ-fighting extracts, like ashwagandha, elderberry, and reishi mushroom. :). If not treated, gingivitis can advance to periodontitis and eventual tooth loss. We saved our paper route money and walked down to the fruit stand that had a section of all penny candy; waxed lips, squirrel nuts, maryjanes and the all time favorite Chum gum. Sadly, these were discontinued many . I would betcha that no other beer in Europe or anywhere on planet tasted like that stuff. I'll bet if you could find a stick, chew it, you would turn into an eight year old, like a twlight zone episode. They were classic chewing gum and are missed! I LOVED Chum Gum!! I am from lakewood California and always bought it from the liquor store accross the street from our hoiuse.I have looked for it in everystore i go into no one had it or knows what it is so sad. God! The idea was to create a tasty gum that would blow really great bubbles. Anybody remember the Zebra Stripe Gum. Do they still make it? AAhh Chewed it in Dallas in the late '50s and in Odessa through most of the '60s. She moved to Scotland recently and is missing teeth like crazy, so I wanted to send her some replacement chicklets but cant find them anywhere?? Loved Chum Gum. I used to get it at only one grocery store in Las Vegas, NM. Frank Fleer was very young when he decided to start creating bubble gum. Along with many others I too would interested being contacted if it is available again. It's great to hear all these stories. You're all right. We still have the red licoricered vines. Cinnamon and spearmint, especially. They had all kinds of penny candy, and Chum Gum was my favorite. and the "record" was a piece of gum. My mom would walk with us to the neighborhood candy store and we would purchase it along with turtles, bazooka joe bubble gum, Wish they would get the recipe and reintroduce it! The boxes were sealed, preserving freshness and flavor, so consumers hardly complained. I remember chum gum like it was yesterday. the flavor was unique. nealliquidations (5,063) 99.6%. What a great time to be a kid! If you do find any, its certainly just memorabilia and probably not in any condition to be chewed now after having been discontinued 50 years ago. But couldn't say for sure how. BRING BACK DEM BONES. Now then there was this Gasthaus, or pub midway to Schweinfurt* that had their own brew that tasted so good we always tried to stop and buy a case or a few of. 9 Natural Chewing Gums That Are Chemical-Free | Well+Good I also bought it when I was a teenager in the 60's and have looked for it through the years but never could find it! So glad so many people loved it as I did, brings back childhood memories. I grew up in Wilmington NC & remember buying CG @ 3 sticks for a penny. Have told my children how good it was and was hoping to find out where to get some.BEST gum ever. 1. Had to be Chum-Gum. +$12.55 shipping. Chum Gum was made by Fleer, also makers of Dubble Bubble, from around 1950 until 1971. Fleer eventually shifted his interests to trading cards and eventually sold Dubble Bubble, as well as several other brands. I only remember one of them selling Chum gum and that was on Millington Lane, right next to St Benedicts school.
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